Tour &
@ Korea!

Numbers tell medical Korea

Lower medical expenses can be found elsewhere. BUT, Top-notch healthcare services with minimal waiting time – ONLY possible in South Korea.


World best density

Dental clinic per 354m in Seoul


Stomach cancer survival

vs 33.1% in USA


Cataract surgery waiting time

vs 129 days in OECD countries


American Medical tourists

increased in 2022


Satisfaction Rate

of Korean medical services

Health medical examination comparison

Save time and money

United States


Annual physical exam,
The examination time: 30min ~ 1hour

Waiting 3 months

What’s included:

  • EKG (Electrocardiogram)
  • Count all blood cells
  • Comprehensive Metabolic Panel
  • Lipid (Cholesterol) Tests
  • CUrine Test

South Korea


Annual physical exam,
The examination time: ~ 3 hours

Right away!

What’s included:

  • Including the USA Annual physical exam +
  • Body Composition and Stress Assessment, EKG (Electrocardiogram), Urinalysis, Stool Analysis, Hematological Tests, Iron Deficiency Test, Liver Function Test, Diabetes Test, Hyperlipidemia Test, Renal Function Test, Gout Test, Cardiovascular Test, Pancreatic Function Test, Hepatitis Test, Tumor Marker Test, Thyroid Function Test, Gynecological Examination, Gastrointestinal Test, X-ray Imaging, Breast Examination, Abdominal Ultrasound


The unstoppable rise of Korean medical tourism

All you need to know about medical tourism in South Korea Visiting Korea is not just about beautiful scenery, adventure, technology and history, but also about healing for one’s self. Korea has emerged as a medical tourism powerhouse and, with state-of-the-art medical equipment, smart IT-based medical technologies, smart hospitals and innovative treatments, it has become a “cradle of doctors.”

Nader Taha


Many employers are turning to medical travel opportunities to offer their employees top-notch care at a fraction of the U.S. costs. This model is not only lowering unnecessary healthcare costs, but it is also helping health payers and buyers in the U.S. achieve desired health outcomes without running into financial burdens. One country increasingly in focus for many American health consumers and buyers is South Korea.



An abundant medical infrastructure, top notch hospitals with state-of the art equipment backed by the country’s world leading IT systems, experienced medical personnel, the accreditation of medical facilities – as well as attractive pricing – are combining to give the Asian country an undeniable edge.

Emma Procter


A relative newcomer to the medical tourism industry, South Korea has established a well-earned reputation for reliable service at competitive prices. While plastic and skin surgery remains South Korea’s largest medical tourist attraction, internal medicine occupies a respectable and growing 20% share of ROK’s foreign medical procedures. ROK is projected to become a “top 3” player in the medical tourism market by 2027, driven in no small part by the record of consistent innovation stemming from Korea’s technology sector.

Mark Episkopos

The National Interest

What people say

Discover candid, first-hand experiences from people who have navigated the South Korean healthcare system.

Sarah Obscura


My friend saw a doctor in South Korea and had a check up with x rays and everything. Cost her around $40 USD. She was shooketh because something like that would easily cost $500 or more in the US. I seriously can’t wrap my head around the US medical system😫#HealthcareInKorea



Brit living in South Korea and by far it is the best medical service I’ve experienced. Going to the dentist took 20 minutes was in and out of it. Check up scaling and X ray cost be about a tenner. Very efficient.#EfficientHealthcare



My health care costs the equiv~ of $55 a month in Korea in the form of a tax. i got a full check up once w a vision test, blood and urine screens, and chest x rays and paid $42 out of pocket. and i got a covid test for free. i really dont understand why america is so backwards.#HealthcareCosts

Me Personally


And its awesome. Living two years in South Korea, I visited a doctor more times than I did the prior 10 years in the US. South Korean medical care is superb, and my taxes were extremely appropriate for the benefits, especially compared to our garbage infrastructure in the US.#KoreanHealthcare

Ray Doherty


South Korea’s medical system is better than anywhere in the USA yes. They had that advantage but the main difference was how fast they reacted to the threat and did it as a nation. They did an amazing job really.#CovidResponse



Why do we pay so much for #medical across the board? I just came back from #Korea and even out of pocket, it was 1/20th to 1/30th the cost of the US. Guess what? I’d didn’t even wait for AMAZING treatment at the #1 hospital in the country.#USHealthcareCosts



I wait for my trips to Korea rather than having the checks up in Aus. The korea trip doubles as visiting the in-laws and having a health/dentist check up. The healthcare system in Korea is so good for Koreans and foreigners ❤️#HealthTourism



“In Korea, you get these screening exams that are incredible, you get a CT, a dental exam, a blood-test — everything in one morning! It is assembly-line, ultra-efficient,” said Gurel. “In a lot of Western systems, the medical care is advanced but the integration is not.”#MedicalScreening

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